Austin powers in goldmember part 2

Austin powers in goldmember part 2

obviously blu-rays are more fragile so they need to either get better packaging or get blu-ray manufacturers to use a better process. Get away from Netflix! I had so many unplayable blu-ray discs from them. I began to believe my player was at fault but it was not so. I have now rented about forty or so blu-ray discs from Blockbuster both on line and from the store and have not had one single issue. Out of the many, many discs I received from Netflix I had probably two that worked fine. Problem with Netflix is they have their heads buried deep in the sand and are, for some inexplicable reason, ignoring this issue while watching their customers migrating to Blockbuster. Idiots. I was unaware of this issue until I popped in a cracked blu ray from Netflix and it made the most horrible grinding noise in my player. Now, the player wont play anything at all, even my favorites that used to play fine. Thanks Netflix for breaking a 700 blu ray player. Ive recently had a 100% failure rate on Netflix Blu-ray Service. The small fracture experienced on the outer edge of the disc is identical to the photos shown on this site. Customer Service was entirely understanding this is costly for us both in terms of damaged discs and lost customers, responsive well refund you for the lost service, and committed we are working on a solution to the issue. Having fired 2 employees and dumped my girlfriend this week, Im not about to also leave NetFlix. Im pretty loyal they invented the concept of movies by mail via Internet and would like to see them resolve this before joining Blockbuster. Im also practical, so if it doesnt happen soon, Ill be 86ing Netflix DVD service for Blockbuster Blu-ray service. Im not a NetFlix insider nor a shareholder, but if someone from NetFlix is monitoring this blog, Id be happy to test a new mailing package! I really liked Netflix but changed to BB because of the cracked disc problem. I Have received 2 of my 5 BluRay discs cracked from BB. BB service is really bad. Took them 2 weeks to process my first 2 returns. Going back to NF I dont believe it is the sleeve. I left Netflix a month or so ago when I received Slumdog three consecutive austin powers in goldmember part 2 with the same crack. If it were the sleeve, I do not think the cracks would be a seemingly identical as they are. The crack could occur anywhere in transit from Netflix to you mailbox. The crack have to be caused by something that is done to every single disc. Here is my theory: First, I assume that the netflix warehouse is mostly automated. I cannot imagine that they could stay in business with austin powers in goldmember part 2 tens of thousands of employees it would take to open, scan, pick, and stuff all the envelopes they send out. So, I think they have robots for lack or a better term that process shipping and returns. I am sure they have some humans who provide random quality control checks but not that many. If you compare a DVD to a Bluray, you will notice the Bluray is thicker slightly. It is my theory that the picker robot that pulls the title from inventory is calibrated for the thinner DVD. When it grabs a Bluray it pinches too hard thus causing the crack. I called Netflix customer service and explained my theory, hoping netflix would be able to correct the problem. I too was a loyal 7 year customer. Reading this blog, I see that netflix has done nothing except charge more money. I have had blockbuster for a few months and while their selection of Blurays especially tv series is weak, I have not recieved a cracked disc yet. I will, however, run back to netflix if they fix the problem. with out charging the customer for it I think if they made the Blu Ray sleeve the same material as the one you get in the mail for streaming Netflix to your PS3, that would be a more sturdy material, since the other sleeves are so soft, they can crack the edges. They could even make a birthday card type sleeve and that might be more durable. Kind of a plastic paper, like what you find on business cards. Just started receiving Bluray discs from Netflix a week 4 out of 5 discs were cracked on the edge and unplayable so looking for the third replacement of one disc to show up today. Hard to believe that Netflix has let the problem go on this long.

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