Cloverfield monster scenes How are consumers supposed to be

Cloverfield monster scenes How are consumers supposed to be impressed with a lousy demo like that? To truly enjoy BluRay you need to have a 1080p display that is also very large so that the resolution can be seen. The audio needs to be decoded and played through a very good receiver and played on a 1 speaker setup with a powerful subwoofer. So, the customer should not only anticipate 400 for the player and nearly double the media price, but also an extra 4000 in equipment to allow the BD to shine. Face it. BluRay can turn make an excellent theater experience in the home. But that costs a bloody fortune. DVD can deliver a good enough presentation. And it appears that for once the American public has figured it out. With many of the biggest movie titles still unavailable on BD. For example, where is the LOTR and Matrix trilogy on BD?!? And what about all the HD-DVD releases that they cloverfield monster scenes havent gotten out on blu-ray yet, despite not even having to remaster them?! Star Wars on BD would be an instant win. Think about it. When has Sony ever launched a successful proprietary technology? Beta Max, failed. Super audio disk/minidisk, failed. The PSP was the most overhyped bust in recent history. Now Blu-Ray, well have to see how that works out. Toshiba had a better product in HD-DVD that would of seen far better market saturation, and you guys know it. The format was finalized already, unlike Blu-Ray which is constantly in flux because Sony is so freaked out over potential pirating. The hardware and disks had a GREAT price point for the consumer. You werent being forced into buying a game system to enjoy the format either. Toshiba hit a home run. They were foiled because the consumer was never given a chance. Sony simply threw more money at major motion picture studios and that was that. It doesnt mean its a better product. I say product, not technology. Technically Blu-Ray is a better technology. Consumers dont care about technology, they care about PRODUCTS. They are buying products, not technology. I was fully prepared to invest in HD DVD until the fight went south for them. Now Im just going to wait until Blu-Ray fails and a better format comes along thats not driven by a cloverfield monster scenes who rather secretly cloverfield monster scenes rootkits on everyones computers and takes every opportunity to screw the consumer. Plus they have NEVER proven EVER that they could successfully launch a format. Sony, you make great technology. Your problem is your ANTI-CONSUMER. Its the price and thats it, theres nothing else really stopping bluray from succeeding except the price and cost. bluray players on average cost 4 times as much as DVD players or even more. But then again you need a HDTV to reap the benefit of a bluray player. DVD doesnt have all those downsides. Then again, how many people actually own HDTVs?! Only good deal for a bluray player is a PS The people that really want the highest definition video and sound, understand all the differences 1080p vs i, HDMI vs DVI, etc, and are willing to pay large amounts of money to setup a complete system are a small minority. Most people are content with DVD.

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