Crimson tide movie part 7 The

Crimson tide movie part 7

The PS3 will play SACD also, btw, so maybe that battle will work out after all anyway. There is an imax movie with a girl doing scottish dancing, and her whole head turns into a blur. That can depend on a few factors. Her head could have simply been out of focus, the cameras shutter angle, how fast was the action moving, or the speed of camera panning. All of these effect motion blur. I dont know how many frames get shown per second on an imax movie 24?, but it is clearly not enough. I dont know why this is maybe our peripherial vision is more sensitive to frame rate than our central vision. Actually in a movie theater you are not watching 24 fps. There is a double leaf shutter in the projector that spins and cuts the light so the screen is being flashed with 48 frames per second. True 24 frames per second is actually below the threshold of persistent vision where the brain is no longer tricked into seeing motion and can see a flicker of still images. Yes temporal resolution is improved with a higher frame rate, which crimson tide movie part 7 lower motion blur. Widescreen TV is set at 35:1 or 16:9, that part has already been decided for us. Nobody wants 1: Also, even with one eyeball the human visual field is not circular, but an oval. Once you factor in both eyes, it is an oval that is much wider than tall. Very true so using your 30 degree field of view ignoring the 50% of the people who like to sit closer for a wider viewing angle, and 30% of the population that has better then 20/20 vision, you would need about 1800×4230 35:1 or 1800×3200 16:9 pixels to keep the correct ratio and meet your stated maximum discernible resolution for average human eyes in both the horizontal and vertical. 1080P is a step up from what we are using now, but it is not the end all format, and I doubt that it will last very long maybe a decade. Ya, there is a theater out in San Jose Century 21 that is huge. Not sure on the size, but it is one huge dome, with only one screen. The seating capacity is nuts as well. I saw all of the Matrix, LOTR, and Star Wars 1, 2, and 3 movies there on opening night and it is an experience being with thousands, watching a huge ass screen, with a booming sounds system. Also, not sure where I read it, but I am pretty sure that film is higher resolution than todays HD. So if theaters start going digital which some of them are, like Century 22 here in San Jose has a digital projector, and played Star Wars in digital, and they want to keep the resolution of film, I think higher resolution digital would be welcome on screens of this size. 1080p is not the end all be all of resolution. the movie industry doesnt understand why there has been a drop in movie attendances over the they are idiots. the prices have gone up like crazy and yet a majority of theatres around the country are crap holes. the picture in some of them are so crappy, whats the point? major theatres need to go to digital projection. seriously, before everyone decides to rent instead of opting for the threatre. How does digital projection fix movie theater from being crap hole? Digital projection is more expensive and requires crimson tide movie part 7 technical skill than 35mm projection. Problems with digital projection can keep a movie from playing at all. I am not a fan of the 20 theater multi-screen theater, where there are two semi-decent movie screens, and then 18 small/crap screens. That is why I love going home, and seeing big movies on the Century 21 screen.

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