Dog tags BorderlandCrazy

Dog tags

BorderlandCrazy Eights has one film that is sufficiently brutal for most fans of the genre, while building tension outside of the gore. However, the second film is mostly just dull. The first of the The BrokenThe Butterfly Effect 3 double-shot has a lot of potential, but moves too slowly and tries too hard to be stylish, which deflates the tension. The Butterfly Effect 3: The Revlations is too similar to the original, which is the better movie in most regards. Both films in The GravedancersWicked Little Things have too many cliches to deal with, while the latter is at least a well made example of the genre, if not exactly original. Finally, The GravesZombies of Mass Destruction started out with a movie that was a collection of cliches, but ends with a movie that thinks it is wittier than it is. Project-Blu Open Water/Open Water 2 Blu-ray Review, By Jack Hunt English: DTS-HD Master Audio 1 If you enjoy this film, may we suggest: Visit our friends for more great reviews! Enjoy the film? Buy the authentic film poster at : Open water is loosely defined as, Water that is unprotected, well exposed, and influenced by a variety of often dangerous environmental conditions. Usually refers to being in the ocean or in a large lake that is quite a distance from the shore. Being stranded in such a predicament is enough to strike fear into most and almost always means certain death for all. Open Water is based on the true story of Tom and Eileen Lonergan. While vacationing in Australia, they thought it would be a good idea to take a tourist boat out to scuba dive on the Great Barrier Reef. It all seems innocent enough, a nice relaxing dive in one of the worlds most beautiful locations. That is until they spend a few extra minutes too long underwater, and the boat crew actually leaves them behind. No one realized they were missing, and the company failed to follow certain protocol, that being a standard head count. A massive search was mounted, but they were never found. Emerging from the quiet solitude of an underwater tranquility, Daniel Travis and his wife Susan Ryan surface to find that the tourist day-boat has left without them. Hence the term their ship has most definitely sunk. After they realize that they had spent an extra five minutes submerged, they are hopeful that the boat will soon return for them. Hope soon begins to fade, when minutes turn to hours. Thats when the blame game starts and they begin to turn on each other. It only gets worse when the sharks come dog tags to feed on the delicious meal waiting for them. As the fearsome fish circle the couple, they soon begin to accept their fate. They may never make it out of the water alive. The film resembles the Lonergans story, but contrasts are evident since we will never really know what happened to the couple on that fateful day. It continues with the basics of the story. The young couple who decides to scuba-dive while on vacation. From there it details a struggling relationship and a hectic work schedule. They thought a quick trip to a Caribbean paradise would help their failing marriage. What they failed to take into account was that scuba diving is nothing to play around with. Being left stranded is any divers worst nightmare. Even Discovery Channel survival heroes, like Less Stroud, do not dare to attempt such a stunt. Stroud actually has an interesting new show out called BEYOND SURVIVAL, where he lives with various extreme cultures of the world. One simple rule to live by in any unknown situation: never let them see you sweat, never lose your cool and always follow the rules. No exception. Suffice it to say, an old adage plays its part in the Open Water saga. Too much of anything is not good for you. In the films case, its dog tags too much water. Imagine for a moment, if you will, being stranded miles away from shore with nothing to sustain life. As you float around for hours, visions start to come to you. Hope is for a means of escape, as well as those of your own demise. Just for example, have you ever emerged from a day at the beach or pool, and your skin looks like a chewed up grape? That can mean only one thing. Too much water! Now imagine being in the water for days on end.

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