Happy gilmore ben stiller scenes

Happy gilmore ben stiller scenes

This is a great set-up. We can all identify with love of family, and the difficultly of weighing known risks against mostly unknown risks. But then the first thing he does when he makes the decision to leave the flat is to act like an idiot and drive through that tunnel and pretend he is at a monster truck rally all with his beloved daughter in the car. Its not the inconsistencies in the zombie logic that bothered me those got covered under the blanket suspension of disbelief, it is that the main characters seemed to have no consistency to their motives and actions. This movie had awesome potential, the mood the director set, the slow reveal of information so that you were as much in the dark about things as Jim all that was good. If the main characters had acted in a way that made sense, that you could have looked at and thought yeah, I would have done the same thing then this could have been a really great movie. It just wasted its potential with really dumb mistakes. weirdal you ask some pretty good questions in the original post, but whoever you got to answer them for you seems pretty stupid. Q: I just saw Cold Mountain. Q: Well, he walked from Virginia to North Carolina, across fields, mountains, dirt roads, through the snow, and I only saw him drink water once. One drink of happy gilmore ben stiller scenes over a month, and he was walking every day? A: Pretty unrealistic. That must be some kind of super hero walker. Thats all I can think of. I have a question that I happy gilmore ben stiller scenes once upon a time, but it never got answered so Im going to try again. Its been a long time now since Ive seen the movie, but IIRC, wasnt there a scene where Jim comes across a family who are all dead? Some lying in bed. Some at a dinner table. my memory about this is suspect. If they died of the virus, why werent they filled with Rage and become Zombies? If they didnt die of the virus, what did they die of? IT didnt appear that they died violently, so they werent killed by Zombies. Its been a long time now since Ive seen the movie, but IIRC, wasnt there a scene where Jim comes across a family who are all dead? Some lying in bed. Some at a dinner table. my memory about this is suspect. If they died of the virus, why werent they filled with Rage and become Zombies? If they didnt die of the virus, what did they die of? IT didnt appear that they died violently, so they werent killed by Zombies. That was Jims family. And they killed themselves with sleeping pills rather than risk getting infected with Rage. Algernon, your question lends itself to my original beef, which pertains to the slipshod fictional constructs that comprise the only real flaw to this movie. Algernon, your question lends itself to my original beef, which pertains to the slipshod fictional constructs that comprise the only real flaw to this movie. What, exactly, is this slipshod fictional construct youre refering to? The fact that there are dead bodies out there that arent infected? Unlike Romeros Dead movies, if you die, you dont come back to life as an infected. Mayube you missed JustinBailey s post, but if you paid attention to the film, you can tell that Jims family inhaled a bunch of sleeping pills and drank a bottle of wine. The world around them was falling apart, there was no way to escape, and theyd given up. Instead of taking the chance of becoming one of the infected, they ended their lives. How is this a slipshod fictional construct? As for the other bodies, those were found at the dinner Jim found the little boy in. Who knows how they died. Perhaps the boy got infected, the father wanted to kill him but the mother stopped him because he was her little boy, and in the struggle they killed themselves or he killed her, the kid got away, and he killed himself in grief. WHo knows why, or how they died, but the fact died, and dead people dont get infected. They just stay corpses. Again, I dont see anything wrong with the logic or science here. Sending all the wrong mental images to all the right minds. Thanks Justin.

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