Kemper I have a Sony Bravia LCD TV I purchased at same time

Kemper I have a Sony Bravia LCD TV I purchased at same time as the DVD player combination of two Sony products is great since they allow HDMI commands for turning on and off as well as putting TV into correct input mode. I kemper this unit in December to stream Netflix. I also used the recommended cisco/linksys wireless bridge to connect to my wifi N network. Everything works fine, ALMOST. I consistently get a DRM-1 error when trying to stream Netflix. I am running the latest firmware Dec I reported this to Sony who escalated it to their Engineering group in late December. They indicated it was a firmware problem. I mid January, Engineering left me a message that others had the same problem and that it would be resolved in a few days. That was 3 weeks ago! When I talked with Engineering tonight after waiting 20 mins on the phone all they would say is that it is a network issue the way Netflix streams video and would not provide any indication when the new firmware fix will be available. ALL VERY DISAPPOINTING! Felt like it was time to update my very old Dvd player am so glad I – ray movies of course look incredible but the thing that impresses me the most is the upscaling of my old Dvd movies, the picture quality is very, very good on Netflix streaming was also one of the key features I was looking for and it is probably the one of our favorite things, we use it almost every day!!I am very happy with this player and highly recommend it. I originally bought the Samsung BD-P3600 with integrated WiFi access. After trying for a week to overcome being constantly disconnected, I returned the P3600 and ordered the Sony N460 with the suggested WET610N wireless bridge. I have been streaming Netflix successfuly for hours without being dropped, and that on the 0GHz band which shows a signal strength of 13-16% as opposed to the 4GHZ band s 55-60% strength. I initiated the original wireless connection through the N460 menu which was quick and straight forward. I now run only the N460 on the 0GHz band and all my other wireless stuff like laptop, TIVO, WII, iPod on the 4GHz connection. I mainly got a BD player for its WiFi potential and have not run anything Blu-ray yet. I do like this player though and highly recommend it. This unit had a lot of very good reviews and that encouraged me to buy from the company that won the High-Def war, Sony. I m glad I did. This is an excellent unit. There are some things about the wireless Blu-ray industry all sould know. Wireless ready is all there is to this feature. You have to buy a full size wireless dongle about It plugs in the back and communicates with your wireless router. Several so called experts at Best Buy said this was not so. One even told me that the 2 GB USB storage you plug into the back for the BD live, is the wireless connection. Only use this if you absolutely have to. Otherwise the unit performs as advertised, Love it. Hey, granted I have only had it for a short while, but I am loving everything about it. Easy to set up, easy to use, outstanding quality all around. If you are like me you are interested in the Netflix aspect of this player. For me, it is working flawlessly. I have an Airport Extreme 80 11n router broadcasting to an Airport Express 80 11n which I have set up as a bridge. I have an Ethernet cable coming from the Airport Express into this unit. Netflix is working perfectly.

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