Primal fear ending Even if you

Primal fear ending

Even if you do, its s-l-o-w to download even a 720p movie. Its literally faster to drive 10 miles to a store, buy a movie on BD, and come home. You can probably watch one before the download is finished. Broadband will have to jump way beyond the average of 1 or 2Mbps that most people have. Dont forget that people on this board are not most people. 3 I hate all that DRM crap as much as the next person, but we cant even get it all off music yet. I hope one of these days that the video makers understand that movie pirates will find a way to bypass their DRM while those of us that just want to rip for personal use and not distribute like crazy are just inconvenienced by it. DRM-free music hasnt killed the music industry. meh who cares its only the internet. anyone can do anything. downloads are SLOWLY starting to kill optical media. i now download everything. our house used to buy 5-10 DVD movies a month. now its down to zero. we used to go to the movies about 3 times a month. we now go none, all because i download it. yea primal fear ending any1 has broadband, especially here is aus. we struggle to even get ADSL2 in more than 10% of the nation if that!. 720p movies are slow because no1 seeds it! im sure if you were doing it legally then it would be downloaded in a flash. meh i have no input on this matter Courtaj, when you say later, could you please be a little specific:rolleyes: BE is not owned by BT, it was a separate company until last year when it was taken over by O Ah right, Im mistaken then. Still, excellent ISP ime though: With the release of Mac OS X 5 earlier this week /2008/09/15/apple-releases-mac-os-x-10-5-5/, Apple should begin work on Mac OS X Built-in Blu-ray support into Mac OS X would open the door for Apple to finally incorporate Blu-ray drives into their Macs as well as Blu-ray support into their suite of iLife applications. The 6 update will not come before the rumored notebook revisions in October, but could conceivably be ready by Macworld San Francisco 200 Is it not possible that 6 was started a while ago, in parallel with 5, and includes Blu-Ray support and support primal fear ending the new laptops to be announced on October 14th? Why should the seeding of one preclude the release of the other especially when it would give away the existence of new hardware? Everybody including me would prefer a release before that, but I think they will wait for THE MAJOR event!! Everybody including me would prefer a release before that, but I think they will wait for THE MAJOR event!! Im afraid that Apple will wait for BIG NEWS! From this day on, blu-ray drives will be included to like most of the other manufacturers have done with PCs for months. Big news for a MAJOR event indeed.

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