Terror train trailer 2008 It costs them a ton of money when

Terror train trailer 2008 It costs them a ton of money when a phone is returned, and Im not a fan of going into the store 2/3 times to return and hopefully get a good one. Seriously, HTC, get it right! So in closing, ill, THE PHONE IS just needs some fixing on some things. And if they can deliver and gentleman, u would be looking at one of, if not the best device to hit in some time. I agree with this, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If the guy doesnt like the phone, he doesnt like the phone why is this causing such a stir here? Me personally? I love this phone, easily the best phone I have ever used. Does that mean everyone else is going to feel the same way? Not a chance. With that being said, these why I returned my Incredible threads are pretty much pointless. You dont like the phone for whatever reason, thats fine. Just return it and be quiet, there is no point in posting it up here because odds are good not many people are going to agree with you. Hopefully you can find the phone you are looking terror train trailer 2008 but just understand this, the utopia of a smart phone you describe is not going to exist. Smart phones are not known for their fantastic battery life. Why do you people jump down anyones throat when they say anything negative about this phone. its a phone, not your mother. and not everyone who has a bad experience with an incredible is a Troll. a forum is not all about rosey reviews, its about a users experience. This guy doesnt sound like a troll at all, and has some valid points. Now if some of you used different phones besides ones that are offered directly through your carriers, you would know there are Nokia phones, Sony phones, etc, smartphones that do hold long charges. now 2/3, thats stretching it imo. However, a full day into the next morning is not. And I dont see that on my incredible. And voice quality? Mine is down right terrible. I know some of you have great call quality, but guess what? Some of us dont! And it doesnt mean the phone sucks, it just means terror train trailer 2008 some shipped with problems in that area. And in my eyes thats a bad area to have problems with, it is a phone after all, before anything else.

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