The blue lamp film , a

The blue lamp film

, a subsidiary of News Communications, Inc. Trust the Republicans? FACT: Government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington is calling for Christine ODonnell to be prosecuted. FACT: The New York Times says GOP Leader John Boehner Is Tightly Bound to Lobbyists. Boehner won some of his first national headlines after he was caught handing out checks from tobacco lobbyists to Republicans on the House floor and Roll Call says there are multiple reports of late-night partying and of House Republicans inappropriately hanging out with female lobbyists. FACT: Bush regulators let the oil rig drillers conduct their own inspections. FACT: Bush appointed a horse trainer to run FEMA as a reward for raising money for his campaign. FACT: The RNC Treasurer Accuses Michael Steele Of Intentionally Concealing 7 Million In Debt. FACT: The mob-linked Republican crook that Giuliani recommended and Bush nominated to be the head of Homeland Security is now a prison inmate. FACT: The GOP New York Senate Majority Leader was convicted this year of corruption charges. FACT: The Chairman of the Florida Republican Party is under criminal indictment and waiting for trial, soon to be followed by the GOP Senate candidate Mario Rubio. FACT: If you figure Alvin Greene as a GOP plant, the new CREW list of the 11 most Crooked Candidates has 9 Republicans on it. /crookedcandidates20 FACT: A Republican candidate for California state attorney general was exposed as having accepted many expensive gifts from cronies. BY vote gop out 2010/12 on 09/28/2010 at 09:49 VOTE-GOP: Dont you have a life away from the key board? Your life must be so sad. BY michigander62 on 09/28/2010 at 09:58 Liberals and Democrats are all liars and cheats which is why we need to get rid of them all. BY Kala on 09/29/2010 at 17:46 Get latest news from The Hill direct to your inbox, RSS the blue lamp film and mobile devices. The Hill 1625 K Street, NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20006 202-628-8500 tel 202-628-8503 fax The contents of this site are 2011 Capitol Hill Publishing Corp. , a subsidiary of News Communications, Inc. Ive been arround lurking here for many years. And I think this is a great forum, with nice informative posts. I would love to report a Bug that I encounter many times, maybe you have also encountered it!? I just start playing the campaign, and after 50 turns, the game stops after I press end turn then all AI players start to do their stuff, but once I should be able to play in my next turn, I have a crash to desktop without any debug information. Sometimes I could rewrite history a bit and go back for the blue lamp film turns so that it wouldnt crash. But now I am really stuck. Does anybody have a common experience? Sorry for my bad english! not I, played through one campaign and working on my second, not one crash or error. I have the exact same thing happening in my campaign, a crash at the end of the turn, once all AI factions turn are done. Which faction did you choose? Mine is Date I have the exact same thing happening in my campaign, a crash at the end of the turn, once all AI factions turn are done. Which faction did you choose? Mine is Date I played with Chosekabe. I dont know why this happens, but sometimes it just happens in turn 30, then in turn 180, I dont know why. Crazy bug. i have the same trouble my game crash at 1588 1st time LoL with date clan. i took a old save game it was 1586 and after 5 year 1591 my game still crash for no reason i try to play with 2 different my own pc intel i5 with 8gig ram with a 560evga gt and my other pc intel i7 with 12 gig ram with a 480gt asus and same is really anoying i made a post on steam forums Yeh same issue, played Takeda, Tokugawa, and now Shimazu all crashing and freezing in offline and online mode single campaign around turns 85 to Done everything suggested, Save game and alter movements etc, Verified GCFs, Checked full control and read in the system and admin, manually ran the secondary installers required, Reduced the graphics and screen resos etc,. May I ask what else can be done but wait. One thing I do is change the money value as I like to immerse into full build as quick as possible, which I havent been able to this be taking affect although Iam lasting up to 90 turns. I have same problem is there no a fixed or a bug?? Have the same problem here too, my campaign crashed around turn 35-40, now i ve started my 2nd and i hope not to CTD again, but from what i read i m gonna be crashed again, damn 20 more turns estimated til I beat my VH Uesugi campaign. and I finally get this. Same 2 campaigns 2 CTDs with this end turn issue. Ive played Shimazu and now Tokugawa and both times this has happens in the 1560s. First one was about 1568, the other was 1 The CTD happens at the same point of the end turn as mentioned by the initial poster. At this rate Im never going to be Shogun. Theres some good AI in this Hey, hes starting to win, SHUTDOWN the GAME. Its pretty random, all from turn 50 and upwards. Every single time though, I get 2 error messages saying there was an error and needs to close, and every single time I loose sound, in general on my pc.

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