The condemned part 1 some

The condemned part 1

some people have made a big deal over the remote having no eject button but i don t mind that. i love how fast the system boots up when it s turned on. it takes just 4-6 seconds! that s great. also, it loads bluray movies quicker than my ps one thing i m the condemned part 1 at has nothing to do with the hardware. the problem is with. everytime i try and access the site to check out what movies it has i get a message saying it is currently offline and to try later. this has gone on since i ve had the player. i m thinking of calling sony to see if they have info on why it isn t available. this isn t a deal-breaker but it s annoying. i ve had this a week, and so far i m VERY happy. what sold me is the netflix option the condemned part 1 it hasn t disappointed. some have said that netflix doesn t work right. i don t understand how it can work so good for me and not for others. i can only tell you that i m impressed with it. if you have netflix and enjoy blu movies give this player a shot. i don t think you ll be disappointed. edit: i ve now had this player for 3 months. netflix instant watch is awesome! the only negative i ve found is no eject button on the remote and that s a minor gripe. I love this unit. The picture playing a blue ray disc is beautiful. The online streaming is great. Primarily using Netflix at the moment. It has been a godsend with children s programming. HDMI control of my Sony TV is also nice. OK, I did my homework over a 2 month period. I REALLY wanted to buy a Samsung Blu Ray to work with my Netflix download because I have a Samsung 52 HDTV. But SO MANY people said that the Samsung Blu-Ray s just didn t work. Same was said for the LG too. They ALL can t be wrong, huh? So I read many, many reviews, looked at comparable product specifications, and even downloaded several Owner s Manuals to see what each was about. I narrowed it down and really focused in on the Sony. Why? Because it seemingly required a Bridge, whatever that was. I continued to investigate. As a result, I realized that this unit is not Internet Ready out of the box. At first I wondered WHY the Samsung and the condemned part 1 didn t work as advertised. After I looked into this Bridge device, I quickly realized that this unit MUST be designed for high-capacity bandwidth because that s what the Bridge provides! My ephiphony moment has arrived! To stream video IS a high bandwidth endeavor, and the Sony delivers I figured out that you had to register online with both Netflix AND Sony first.

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