The hangover 2 Disney made a

The hangover 2

Disney made a very good decision when they dumped the franchise. I think Disney and Walden were silly to have and permit such a humongous budget for PC. It took two to cause that rift, it wasn t solely Disney. If PC had been as wildly successful as LWW then VDT probably would still be with Disney. But Disney is greedy, they could have given VDT a chance, they might even have had more input in having the script closer to the book maybe? What I m curious to know is how rentals went the first week. I haven t seen any reports yet. On Home Media Magazineâs rental chart, Fockers debuted at No. 19 because Universal holds back its new releases from Netflix and Redbox for 28 days. Following Tron: Legacy at No. 1 was the previous weekâs top renter, The Tourist, from Sony Pictures, which slipped to No. 2 after two weeks on top. /quote This applies to VDT and Harry Potter as well from what I have read in other articles. I think VDT is doing well on rentals from reading other articles. But it is harder to tell without a precise chart and the lack of its complete availability as a rental until next month. Hard to tell because VDT is not available everywhere per the below info which I read eleswhere applies to VDT and Harry Potter as well. On Home Media Magazineâs rental chart, Fockers debuted at No. 19 because Universal holds back its new releases from Netflix and Redbox for 28 days. Following Tron: Legacy at No. 1 was the previous weekâs top renter, The Tourist, from Sony Pictures, which slipped to No. 2 after two weeks on top. /quote are Blurays included at al in these statistics?! Here is a link to a forum post regarding Blue-ray sales. Bottom line is that after less than 2 full weeks VDT has sold an estimated 5 million units DVD Blue-ray. That is definitely a lot less than LWW or PC at the same stage. But it is holding fairly steady so we ll have a better idea in a few more weeks. Don t know if the sales from Christian book store are counted by the secular charts. Not likely since most movie titles are not released at those outlets. Only the studios know the actual numbers so far. I contributed to the sales Go Dawn Treader! I got it for Easter, and my family s been watching it all weekend I love it! Once I get past my initial ew green mist thing, that is. Thank you God, for this movie! Further up and further in! I ve watched it more times than I can even count! And I love The Green Mist, so it s all good from where I m sitting. That is exactly why I thought the movie looked cheap on Blu-ray, the mist looked terrible! Bottom line, VDT is a far the hangover 2 cinematic experience than it is a home theatre experience. Tilda Swinton looked amazing. Love her GREEN eyes. My favorite detail. I m amazed this film did as well as it did, Fox dropped the ball big time by not building up any hype for this film. The first time I saw a trailer on tv was a week before it s release, it s like they figured Hey it s the third movie we don t have to promote it because the people will remember the other movies and come back. I really don t think many people even knew this film was being made until it was released. Hype is very important for films I really hope they do another one and put a little more effort into promoting it. I got VDT a few weeks ago the hangover 2 watched again and again and again.

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