The Weather Man The

The Weather Man

The incovenience is certainly a good one, circular logic is Price is high partly because they have to keep upgrading drm to prevent but, time and again, it has been provenSONY that DRM ONLY affects your legitimate customers and in part drives those to priates do NOT see your adverts, your warnings, your preview and MOST IMPORTANTLY THEY NEVER SEE YOUR DRM Only the ones that are interested in actaully purchasing your product are subjected to the added cost of DRM on the players and on the You know BluRay Burners keep getting cheaper. Right now I can get one for under 200 with blank disks being about DRM sucks, but upgradable DRM is part of the BD standard One of the reasons why I, among many others, refuse to buy Blu-Ray. I dont appreciate paying a premium The Weather Man to be lectured to about not being a pirate or blocked from playing my legally purchased disc that I bought while on holiday in a different artificial region. Its bad enough that I have to use VLC or something similar with DVD to skip the moronic messages and The Weather Man play other regions discs on my primary DVD-capable device Xbox 360 when I have legally paid for the content without having to worry about firmware, internet connection and the like. If your really high-end BD player doesnt have a firmware upgrade coughDenoncough its not the media companys fault. Nor is it the customers fault, hence the complaints. Theres a very easy way for the firmware upgrade not to be an issue make all discs compatible with the basic firmware. One easy way to do this is not to enforce DRM protections. I HATE unskippable ANYTHING on a DVD, this makes me sad I bought the movie for my Dad for his birthday Ill not make that mistake again. Last DVD I buy for someone as a present. Maybe I should go torrent him a copy too and give it to him as well so he can watch it without having to sit through commercials. This is the only protest they will understand. Sadly, no its not. If a large number of people boycott, they will just claim that piracy is taking away their sales. They will either make up numbers to support these claims as they do at the moment or they will claim that the current level of piracy are unprovable due to more underground encrypted methods being used. they will never admit that their problems are down to their own actions. Even if nobody actually pirated, it would get used as the scapegoat for their losses. The only real way to force their hand is for people to insist on only buying non-DRMed, non-region controlled products. But, since the biggest titles are often the most infected and the masses tend to be morons, this will never happen. for those old enough to remember, dvd at the start had many of the same sorts of issues. this disc would not play on that player, this one read this format, this one didnt read that format, and oh god, those dvd9 and dvd15s blew out a whole bunch of players. karl i would think someone like you would remember this. I asked if it was legal to download a copy off torrent so I dont have to watch the commercials over and over again. I send them a nice pissed-off email about how I paid for the damn DVD I dont think its a deal when I cant skip over the commercials. Lets assume I REALLY like the movie and would watch it a few times that would be really annoying.

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