Zulu part 1 I am glad the format zulu part 1 is over

Zulu part 1 I am glad the format zulu part 1 is over and that has indeed reduced the uncertainty. But that this juncture, I feel that the machine cost and lack of blu ray titles is enough to keep me from switching. The region coding available to Blu-ray is subject to the movie studios discretion. For instance, New Line chose to zulu part 1 release new releases on region-coded Blu-rays so as not to interfere with the theatrical runs of the movie in foreign countries. Oh to not interfere with theater releases of movies. I get it. So they can squeeze as many 10 dollar theater ticket prices out of people around the world before they let people watch the movies at home. That way they make as much money as possible and dont care about user friendlyness. Ive been waiting for the format war to end before buying anything in HD format. So that makes this decision a win zulu part 1 consumers. Blue-Ray can store more data, which only becomes more and more important over time. The Blue-Ray players on sale at retail also can play DVD, which seems like backwards compatibility to me. I do wish the region-coding silliness would go away. After purchasing an A20 about last Oct for around 379, my first thought was that I should have waited to get one at But I still felt I should support HD-DVD. After purchasing about 15 additional movies we get the word that Toshiba is pulling out. I have never felt that Bluray was a superior product, in fact I still think it is way over priced and still unfinished so in my view, it is not a choice for me. I have a very good upscaler in my A20, in fact a lot of movies look almost as good as the HD versions. Most of the DVD players that I have bought in the past have been usable for at least 5 years so that will probably be the time I might look into Bluray but until then I will buy SD-DVDs. I will never be a buyer of new technology until it is accepted and proven in the future. UNIVERSAL MADE A STATMENT, THEY WILL NOW SUPPORT BLURAY FORMAT! I purchased a BluRay disk drive for a new PC last year and have been watching that format since then. I also observed when Block Buster and Disney endorsed the Blu-Ray format. I noticed that there were always more Movies in Blu-Ray available in whatever store I was shopping. Last December I purchased two Blu-Ray players to compliment my HDTVs and surround sound systems. All along, I have felt that the Blu-Ray technology was superior and that HD-DVD was just a quick injection trying to capitalize on that market. Seems like I was right and that this time the better product has won.

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